That's phonetic. It's a Serbian word meaning "snowmen", and it's exactly what I spent all of Friday building, after hearing a litany on the car ride home.
I'm so not used to five-year-old boys. Very high-maintenance. I'm fuckin tired. Sweet kid, most of the time, but I just... can't talk to him (his English is not so good).
Not much else going on. I feel the beginnings of a bad cold settling into my lungs. Breathing hurts. Thinking hurts. Feeling hurts.
The next few days are slated to be a blitzkreig of seeing old friends. I saw Caitlin on Thursday last, which was an entirely too stressful encounter, for all it felt easy on the surface. Maybe the easiness was itself the stress-causing agent.
Jill and I chilled. She rocks my socks. Must see more of her.
Hung out at Heather's with her brothers, we watched Serenity (YAY!!!) and played euchre, which I was immediately pwned at. Twice.
My mother should not be allowed to buy me Christmas presents. She bought me Ugg boots. Knockoffs, even. Terrible color. I pretty much wanted to die at the thought of having to wear the damned ugly/uncomfortable things.
Charlie is home and manages to make a helluva lot of noise. At least the persistent and loud thumping emanating from his room has ceased, as he's now graduated to clanging pots around in the kitchen. Which sucks because I need to be eating foods there right now.
Heather and I watched the Christmas Invasion. David Tennant is off to a promising start. Quoting "The Circle of Life" in his fiery speech to the invading aliens was definitely a high point. Hah hah, oh Russell Davies. Only the man who created Queer As Folk could possibly be expected to quote an Elton John song in a hit sci-fi series.
Yep. Bella tomorrow (YAY!!!) followed by Tom (YAY!! Someone to blabber about Milton and Spenser with !!) Hopefully Jesse sometime soon. And Lindsey. Jesus I have too many old friends. I love them, though. Wouldn't give 'em up, no ma'am.
I'm becoming suitably engrossed in A Game of Thrones, which I wisely saved for my month-long vacation. 1000 pages and 3 sequels. Yep.
Also, I was broken up with tonight. Served me right, as I've been pretty much an unfeeling bitch and masterful at avoidance. I was going to break up with her, tonight, but she beat me to it. It seems fitting. I feel terrible, but then... I always feel terrible about this sort of thing. Damnit!