
I just bought a laptop!
$589 for a Dell 1405 (that's the little, lite-sized one) with 40 GB hd and 1 gig of memory! I'm so pleased.

The end.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Tas said...

Hey dude!

*thinks hard* aren't you going to be gone this coming semester? Will it not then be difficult for me to borrow the Oranges book? *unsure as to when you go*

and if you're not then I am seriously messed up! woohoo!

I am very excited for this coming semester but it'll be a liiiiittle stressful. we'll see, won't we?

Thanks hon! *hugs you to bits*


At 4:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I'm leaving the city for good around the 18th or possibly 19th. So I think there's a window in there to trot the book over to you!


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good! I will be around... do you want to call me? my email might be a bit limited once I get back. Let me know, and I'll get you my cell phone number.

<3 KMJ


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